
Suggestion for Successors

I thought, the most important is continue to use the computer everyday. I dislike typing words. And, I could not type fast. But, I used my computer everyday.

And, next important is writing words. First, I wrote about interesting things. I wrote about my favorite soccer team. I wrote the team's score and player's information. Also, I wrote way to make dinner. And, I put those photos on my blog. Gradually, I could type many words. And, I could type fast.

Last advice is continue to practice. I practiced to Typing Speed Trial everyday. I used teacher's sites. Time limit is five minutes. This time limit was very difficult for me. But, I tried typing many words at many times. Gradually I could type various themes. I will continue to use my computer. And, I sometimes want to use English. This writing class was hard for me. But, I thought this writing class was important class for me. Thank you very much.
[162 words]

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