

This is today's menu. This was very delicious!! I did failure yesterday. So, I wanted to make success. This menu is easy. I could make by 20 minutes. I used tofu, chikuwa and pea today. But, this menu can use other food. I think taro is fit!!
[47 words]


♪Shrimp tofu♪

This is today's menu. This is "Shrimp tofu". I did some failure... I had to thicken the soup with Katakuriko. But, I made some lumps. I was shock... I want to improve cooking!!
[33 words]


New Year card

I just will draft a design for a New Year card. I use personal computer. I design each my family's card. I will use my niece's photo this year. This photo is the year before last's card. I am a pleasure!!
[41 words]

what i think...in my life.: Book Review 2-09

what i think...in my life.: Book Review 2-09

The History of the English Language

I think Rina's book review is good. She gave a particular account of the book. Her book review is intelligible. And, her book's photo is very clear.
[27 words]


Today's menu

This is today's menu. One of menu is bacon and hackberry. I rolled up hackberry in bacon.
One more menu is konnyaku and chikuwa. This is seasoned with soy-sauce. I will challenge to new menu tomorrow!!

[36 words]

Book review 2-15: The Missing Coins

Pete and Carla are students at Bath University. It was a Saturday in summer and a hot day.
They were in a little street behind the abbey. They watched the man. The man was playing the flute. Carla watched in his hat. There were only four coins in his hat. Then, they went in next shop. The shop had old coins and stamps. Pete wanted to get the stamps. But, those things were very expensive. There were a shopkeeper and a girl in the shop. They seemed to doubt of Pete and Carla. Carla noticed their eyes, and they went out of the store. Then, the shopkeeper came to them. The shopkeeper was thinking that they stole the coins. A policeman came to there.
Then, Carla told the truth of the happening. It was the girl in the shop. The girl dropped coins out of the window. She dropped coins into the flute player's hat. They cleared up doubts. Then, the girl and the flute player were caught. And, the shopkeeper presented Pete the stamps.
[175 words]


Book review 2-14: Mike’s Lucky Day

Mike is Bill's assistant now. One day, they went to Morgan's store. Mr. Morgan's daughter, Jennifer, is always there. He talked to her. He wanted to talk to her more. He asked her to come to the movies. That day, they were in a traffic jam. He thought may be late. He finally ran to the bus stop. But, he noticed forgot money. He went back to home, but he forgot key too. His parents weren't in house. He couldn't open. He went through the window into his bedroom. He took his money and keys. He went out of the house again. Then, a police car stopped in front of his house. The policemen asked many questions. He told them his story again and again. Finally the policemen understood. But, Jennifer wasn't there, and she was angry. He wrote a letter to her. He told her his story. And he asked her out again. She came to there. He made up with her.
[163 words]

World Cup!!

The preliminary lottery of the World Cup took place last night. Japan will meet Bahrain, Oman and Thailand. The top 2 team can pass preliminary. I think, this preliminary is comparatively easy group. But!! The World Cup is big meeting. This meeting is all soccer player's longing. All games are difficult games. I want Japan to get participation!!
[58 words]


Today's menu♪

Today's menu is hamburger. This sauce is shiitake and shimeji.
I made Japanese-style sauce.

This sauce was difficult.

[18 words]



Today was a important soccer game to Gamba. Gamba had to win today. But, they were taken goal at loss time. They have already no chance of victory. I was very sad. But!! There is "Tennouhai". I want Gamba to become the champion!!
[43 words]

Flower arrangement

Flower arrangement

I belong to the flower arrangement club since entrance to university.
I will introduce our club. Our club is girls only. There are about fifty people. There is one president and two vice-presidents in our club. And, there is one flower arrangement’s teacher. Our teacher is a man. Our meeting is on Friday. And, this is very important. We can get licenses. 

There are mainly five activities. First, we sometimes arrange flowers. This is the practice. Next, we do exhibition in the school once a year. And, we do exhibition also outside the school once a year. Of course, there is relaxation time too. We take a trip in vacation. Last, Takumasai’s exhibition is the most important event to us. 

Our practice is very hard. We practice flower arrangement in Japanese-style room in the school. The president must ask teacher's schedule. And, the vice-president must reserve Japanese-style room. The practice hour is 2 hours. We make a model of teacher. 

We announce the result of the practice twice a year. This photo is my works. We choose own flower vase. And, we think own theme and structure. We decide own works’s title, after we made works. We do exhibition outside the school in February. The place is lounge in MIELPARQUE hotel Kumamoto. Many people celebrate a wedding in the hotel. We think to an honor. Also, we do exhibition in the school in June. The place is the student hall. We make originality works. Many students and our friends come to the exhibition. We are glad it. 

The activity except those activities is trip. We take trips twice a year. It is spring vacation and summer vacation. We went to Oita and Okinawa last year. Those trips were very cheap. It was by grace of the planner. We could enjoy those trips. We enjoyed especially "girl's talk". 

Finally, the main event is Takumasai. We prepare works for three month.
We first divide the member into several groups. And, we decide theme and flowers. This photo is works at last year. The theme is "Kaguyahime". Our group made Kaguyahime by bamboo and flowers. Also, the foundation is foam polystyrene and plastics. We made trial and error everyday. We could make wonderful works. But, we didn't get the very best prize. We had to compete with other club for the prize. The chance is once. Takumasai is enjoyable time to us, but it is serious time. Therefore, we may try hard. 

All club's members gradually decrease. Our club's member too. But, our club got the very best prize this year. Our juniors got the very best prize. Our juniors made us happy.
I want to hope to more activity in future too. I want to tell many students “club is important". And, "Our university's clubs are wonderful" too. 
[466 words]



I went to zoo with my family today. My niece went to zoo for the first time. Today was clear, so there were a lot of people. We enjoyed seeing many animals. The most impressive was lion. Lion was very powerful. And, there was a giraffe's baby. But, she was tall. We took a lot of photos. We enjoyed holiday.
[60 words]


Happy Birthday♪

Today is my father's birthday. My father became forty-six years old. We will celebrate his birthday tonight. I bought his present and birthday cake with my sister. His present is a pajama. This photo is birthday cake!! We will enjoy birthday party tonight.
[43 words]



My niece's birthday is soon. I went to buy her present today. I went to the toys department in Turuya. I puzzled, because there were a lot of toys. And, all goods were very pretty. My niece likes Anpanman. I bought Anpanman's toy. She will play by the toy when have a bath.
I too want to play with her.
[60 words]


I make dinner everyday. My favorite site is “Easy recipe”. I search everyday’s dinner. Those ingredients are content in fridge. And, those are healthy menu. The site’s menu can cook by about ten minutes. I’m beginner. I can cook only easy menu. I used tofu and shrimp yesterday. It is “Shrimp-tofu”. The menu is very easy. I could finish by about twenty minutes. I will cook “pot-au-feu” today. And, I like sports too. I will watch soccer game on TV today. I like soccer and baseball. I often watch sports. But, I don’t like doing sports.
[96 words]



Today is a cloudy sky... I hung out futon in early morning. But!! It was getting more and darker. I took futon after all. But!!! It was getting more and more warm soon. Why?? I'm very sad. I'm just going to try again!!
[43 words]

Book review 2-13: Marcel and the White Star

Marcel is French mouse. His home is under the kitchen floor in a old boat. He likes opera.

One evening, he had dinner with some friends in the metro station. After dinner, he saw two men standing next to him. They were going to steal Zaza Dupont's diamond. She is opera star.
The diamond is one million pound diamond ring - the White Star. Marcel must stop it. He followed them. But, there are hundreds of people at station, and he lost sight of them. They had already stolen the White Star by them when he found Zaza's house. They ran away by stealing car.
He followed them again. He hopped on their car's number-plate. They stopped to a cafe and showed other guests the White Star. Then, he bit the tall man's leg very hard. So could take back the White Star. He ran out of the cafe. He walked back to Zaza's house. When he got there, she was asleep in bed. In the morning, Zaza found the White Star. Next day, Zaza's story was in all the newspapers. Marcel was happy, too.
[185 words]


Book review 2-12: THE WHITE ORYX

This book's title is "THE WHITE ORYX". This book's writer is Bernard Smith. Mandy Brown is writing a book about the animals of Arabia. One day she was taking some photos of the white oryx in the desert with Abdullah. Abdullah is an oryx ranger. Suddenly the problem happened. The poachers appeared. The poachers shot one mother oryx, and they have caught her baby. Mandy and Abdullah followed them. They found poacher’s car. But, poachers shot at their car. And, poachers aimed at them on end. Then, the police's helicopter came to there. The poachers were caught by policeman. Abdullah and Mandy ran to the truck. The young oryx was safe. Abdullah can find a new mother. Mandy took photos of Abdullah and the young oryx. And, she took photos of the police, their helicopter and the poachers, too. Perhaps Mandy can write a new book about the animals of the desert.
[152 words]


Last Saturday, there was a important match. Japan versus Vietnam. They are representative team of Peking OLYMPIC. Japan won 4-0. They wanted to win at any price. Next match is Japan versus Saudi Arabia. I hope Japan get OLYMPIC participation!! For Mr. Osim too!!
Let's support Japan team together!!
[49 words]


☆Don't give up☆

I'm studying for a test now. It's employment examination. I'm doing job hunting yet. A year has passed since I started job hunting. I tired... But, I must work. Don't give up!! Fight!!
[33 words]



REDS has topped the ACL. Congratulation!! REDS got first victory in Japanese team. They are Asia's champion. They return to J league and they are opponent this time. Gamba doesn’t lose!!
[31 words]

Outline (4th essay Community life)

Flower arrangement

I belong to the flower arrangement club.
Our club is girls only.
There is one president and two vice-presidents in our club.
There is one flower arrangement’s teacher.
Our meeting is on Friday.
We can get licenses.

We sometimes arrange flowers.
We do exhibition in the school once a year.
We do exhibition outside the school once a year.
Takumasai’s exhibition is the most important event to us.

We practice flower arrangement in Japanese-style room in the school.
The president must ask teacher's schedule.
The vice-president must reserve Japanese-style room.

We do exhibition outside the school in February.
The place is lounge in MIELPARQUE hotel Kumamoto.
We do exhibition in the school in June.
The place is the Student’s Hall.
We make originality works.

The main event is Takumasai.
We prepare works for three month.
We decide theme and flowers.
We have to compete with other club for the prize.

Our club’s members gradually decrease.
But, our club got the very best prize this year.
I want to hope to more activity.
[178 words]




I use websites everyday. I like sports. I get sport’s news by websites. I want to get my favorite team's news everyday. I see my favorite team's homepage. For example, I see my favorite player's blog. Websites are the fastest source of information. And, I use websites for my blog.
I mainly put my dinner’s photo, and I usually put my niece’s photo.
[64 words]


I'm watching the Reds versus Sepahan soccer game on TV. Usually Reds is opponent by me because I'm Gamba's supporter. But, I respect Reds's players. They are tired out. And, a few players were hurt. But, they are trying their best. I want Reds to win!!
[46 words]



This is today's menu.Hashed deef and dumpling soup. I made this menu with my sister today. My father comes home and having dinner now.
[25 words]


One day a leopard came to the village. A leopard had been pursued and took to lighthouse. Mohammed made proposals for competition. Mohammed is the head man of Sindi. The competition is to kill the leopard. The winner can marry his daughter. Ahmed and Jamal were end in failure. But, at last Saied met with success. Saied put a leopard to sleep. Afterward a leopard lived in the animal park. Presently, Saied and Tanza got married.
[76 words]


☆Happy Birthday☆

Yesterday was my sister's birthday. We congratulated her birthday last night. I made her a present of a new mirror with message. We ate birthday cake and luxury dinner. She was very pleased. Congratulation!!
[34 words]



There were two important matches today. Those were senior high school soccer and J league. Senior high school soccer is Luther versus Gakufu. I'm Luther's alumnus. Luther won!! This is the first victory to Luther. Congratulation!! Then, J league is Gamba versus Jef. Gamba won!! I'm Gamba's fan. Congratulation!! And thank you!! Let's aim at victory!!
[56 words]



I saw "TOY STORY" repetition today. The story made me happy. I seemed to cry many time. I afresh thought this movie is warm story. We forget a lot of important things while grow up. We stop sometimes, weshould recollect as a child. This photo is my favorite toys. Treasure!!
[51 words]



First, I will give movie information.
This story's title is "TOY STORY". The production date is the year 1995. This story's genre is Animation movie, CG works, adventure and friendship. The director is John Lasseter. The producer is Ralph Guggenheim.

Next, I will give movie's main character’s information. The main character is "Woody". He is a leader in the Andy's toy. He is a western constable. He has a cheerful nature.
And, there is one more hero. His name is "Buzz Lightyear". He is new Andy's toy. He is the latest figure. He has justice. And, they have a lot of friends. Mr.Potatohead, Sergeant, Slinky, Bo peep, rex and Hamm and so on. Naturally, there is a bad character. He is "Sid". He tortures toys, just for fun. All toys fear Sid.

Here, I will give story's content. Woody and other toys are Andy's valuable toys. At Andy's birthday, new toy came, that is Buzz. Woody and Buzz fight to get toy's top. But, one day accidentally they fell down out. They desperately tried to come back but, they were caught to Sid. Necessarily, they tried to come back in cooperation with each other. Presently, they had a bond of friendship.

Next, I will give movie's impressive scene's information. The most interesting scene is when presents opened. Many sergeants reconnoiter this place. Other toys hear their report. This scene is like just our world. The saddest scene is when Buzz noticed that he is toy. And, the most impression thing is their sole's "ANDY". This "ANDY" is as a mark of hero.

Next, I will give movie's main theme’s information. This movie is expression in dream world. We were thinking when child, toys are living. I was thinking each of them were my friends. Toys delight the children. It is their pride. Many children learn delight from toys. Toy’s world is linking to children's world.

This story is having wonderful dream. And, every song is very nice too. We can think to cherish our toys. Finally, my favorite line is "This isn't flying. This is falling with style".
[354 words]


Book review 2-10: DEAD MAN’S RIVER

Jonas Clark loves Hetty Gray, but was too poor to marry her. He and two men heard there is gold in Dead Man's River, but they believed there are ghosts there too. Jonas tried to get money. Jonas became disguise in ghost, he threatened them. And, he helped old man. Eventually, he got money by old man. Soon, Jonas could marry Hetty.
[62 words]


My niece is indulging in a nap. So pretty!! She slept while watching Anpanman. It is a warm day today, so best nap day. I want to sleep with her together. ☆good night☆
[35 words]




Japan has peculiar food culture. Japan has a lot of menu. I make dinner everyday.
I made “Nikujyaga” yesterday. Nikujyaga is favorite food by Japanese people. I use pork every time. This is not usually, but I like pork. Japanese foods are very healthy. Another, there are a lot of my family's cultures. We celebrate Christmas with family every year. We eat chicken, cake and champagne and so on. I will buy present for my niece this year. And, we spend New Year's Day at home with family. We go to my grandfather and grandmother's house.
[97 words]

Proto-Portfolio 2-02

Fall Semester Essays

[+ links]











My favorite place to relax












4th essay


Flower arrangement





5th essay


NHK's world





6th essay


Learning with Computers










Today's menu is "Nikujyaga". A garnish is bean sprout. An ordinary Nikujyaga is beef, but we usually use pork. This is the favorite point.
Pork is healthy and plain. And I cut each ingredient to big size. All ingredients stew long time. "Long time" is the secret of success.
[49 words]


♪Healthy menu♪

Today's menu is Udon. It ingredients are napa cabbage, carrot, leek and shiitake. The taste is a soup with a flavor of chicken. This is healthy menu!! I want to do cooking more delicious.
[34 words]

Takumasai ☆final☆

Congratulation!! Our circle got the very best prize in Takumasai. We didn't get it last year.
It was very regrettable that we didn't get the prize, so I was very glad. Our juniors gave us pleasure. Firework was very beautiful in final event. Thank you very much to our juniors, and executive.
[52 words]



I'm watching a soccer game on TV now. Today is "Nabisco cup". Frontale versus Gamba.
I'm supporting Gamba Osaka. Now, started the latter part of the game. Score is 0-0.
I'm hopeful of Gamba win. Kaji goal too!!
[38 words]


Takumasai ☆part②☆

I went to Takumasai at last today. I had a wonderful time. All things were impressive.
Each circle members did effort very much, so we were very impressive. My circle members tried hard. I feel pride to them. Tomorrow is a commendation ceremony. The result is no problem. I want to very praise them.
[54 words]


Takumasai ☆part①☆

Takumasai started today. I enjoyed Takumasai as flower arrangement circle's member for three years. I will enjoy Takumasai with my sister and my niece tomorrow. I'm a visitor this year for the first time. We will go to see flower arrangement.
This photo is our exhibit at last year. Last year's theme was "Japanese old stories". This year's theme is "South island".
I will enjoy, and I will do renewal tomorrow!!
[71 words]